The promise of virtual moving technologies is fully digital, and in some ways, businesses are already using AI (artificial intelligence), AR, machine learning, big data, IoT, and others, to get closer to their customers, preserve competitive advantage, and increased ROI. In fact, according to Accenture, 88% of business leaders mentioned that they’re currently investing in advanced technologies that could help them build virtual environments.

Virtual moving technologies, added value for stakeholders, employees and customers

Companies that leverage AR to create immersive buying experiences for their customers are already merging physical with virtual worlds to develop “real virtualities”. As advanced technologies move forward, organizations have the chance to increase the value of their services and products.

As VR, AR, and AI continue to expand, new markets will open up and new businesses will thrive. Applied and implemented correctly, real virtualities have viable opportunities of building profitability, boosting efficiency, and increasing productivity. The key to getting started is to think bigger as industries at large are about to be transformed.

Virtual reality applications in healthcare

Is it possible to examine virtually patients? A new technology developed at Tel Aviv University is on the verge of a breakthrough. Recently, scientists came up with a concept called “electronic skin”, which uses wireless patches attached to the physical bodies of patients. The aim is to detect diseases in unprivileged communities located hundreds of miles away from a medical facility.

Immersive microscopy, yet another access VR applications, uses 3D microscopy datasets to provide physicians with better insights into the human body. It’s an opportunity for them to use VR as a therapeutical measure to increase memory in the elderly, as well as combat other health conditions such as PTSD, childbirth pains, or anxiety.

Augmented learning via immersive experiences

A new language is best learned when being surrounded by people who speak it. Would it be possible for people to immerse themselves in a new country, such as China, to learn Mandarin, for example? Immersive technologies can create such real-life experiences. In fact, the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute is working on a concept that uses AI avatars and computer-generated Chinese environments to create the perfect virtual moving technologies learning space.

The avatars are capable of recognizing expressions, speech and gestures. According to the institute, the students enrolled in the program are learning Mandarin two times faster than those attending traditional classes. The same technology can be applied to other studies, such as history where students can “teleport” themselves into a world that will enable them to learn by living in that period of time.

Virtual moving technologies reality in leadership development

Managing remote teams is more challenging than ever. For international CEOs, it’s difficult to maintain employee engagement and keep their business running from a distance. Virtual reality development company can help them be in 2-3 places at once without traveling anywhere. 85% of CEOs actually believe that investing in VR has a great impact on physical and cognitive performance.

VR technology can also strengthen collaboration among employees. Google is currently working on building Project Starline, a videoconferencing platform that provides CEOs with a space similar to the physical one they have overseas. Co-working space WeWork, recently partnered with ARHT Media to develop workplace holograms and make collaboration feel as close to reality as possible.

The future of virtual reality is bright, and as more tech stacks join the “virtualities” world, it’s safe to assume that the power of virtual is endless. To get started, the first step is to prepare the internal infrastructure for such disruptive technologies to materialize. Security and 5G are vital. For VR to work at full speed, low latency network and data optimization must be looked at in order to benefit from seamless experiences.